Sunday, 19 April 2020

Refection is a part of your work A response to "Another Reason to Blog; Proactive through reflection" George Couros - December 13, 2012

Well I am back....full disclosure, I created this blog several years ago and as you can see I have not kept up with contributing! I have followed the wisdom of George Couros for a few years now. I follow him on Twitter @gcouros...he even follows me back! George talks about how we collect information and resources. As educators I feel that we can get caught up with information/resource hoarding! Especially now....the flurry of information that is coming at me on a daily basis sometimes is overwhelming. I have my list of sites/apps and programs to check out, and the list just keeps getting longer. I appreciated his comment "too much energy is expended on implementing too many things". I agree 1000% in my case. We want the best for our students, we want to be the best for our students. Can we step back and take a more holistic view of what we are doing and why? Can we be reflective for best practice? The idea of creating a professional journal (Blog) makes sense and is on my list...finding one or two ideas to implement, reflect on, seems like a better way. Will it happen during this pandemic and "emergency remote learning". I am not sure...but I will try.


  1. That is so cool you already have a connection through Twitter with the author of the blog reviewed. I think it was well said that we as educators should take a step back and take a holistic view of what we are doing and trying to achieve. A professional blog would be a good outlet for reflection and also to communicate that thinking with other educators to encourage them to also be reflective in their own roles as educator and life-long learners.

  2. Great post! I really appreciate that you've already started this blog and even though you haven't kept up with it until now, it shows that you're already reflecting in your teaching practice!
