Friday, 29 May 2020

Some new tools!

Over the past months, technology has been a friend and a foe. The days have been long stretching way into the night with researching, designing implementing lessons/activities to keep my little ones learning and engaged. Within my own classroom this is seemed to be seamless but remotely I feel challenged. I am one of the fortunate ones as during this remote period I have engaged in useful and immediately relevant PD. Which to be frank is not always the case with PD. I am taking my Part 2 of Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction (signed up for my Specialist at the end of June!), and our board has provided free access to a variety of webinars through Ed Tech Canada. I feel like I am getting there....things are not as ominous as they once were. I am gaining a different perspective of tools that I had used in the past but not in my classroom. One such tool is Google Forms. I was used to using and completing these forms during PD sessions, community surveys and hockey meetings. After participating in an Ed Tech Webinar, I realize that these forms can be utilized within my primary classroom. To be honest I had never thought of using pictures as a choice option within Google Forms. I have now used them twice within my remote program and the kids love them. The second tool is Jamboard. I have only used it once with my class so far but I can see endless possibilities. I was introduced to this tool within my IICT course and during an EdTech Webinar. My students are doing presentations next week for their final plants and animals projects so I am looking forward to using it for peer feedback. Below you will find some other examples for using Jamboard, not only for feedback but in math etc, to record student understanding.

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